I love a good turkey dinner! I don't think I could ever get sick of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. MMM! I got 4 turkeys before Thanksgiving this year when they had a good sale. I skipped all the normal holiday trimmings with this and we just had Turkey, mashed potatoes and green beans.
I got enough extra meat for 3 meals. I put that in ziplock bags and put them in the freezer- I'll use that for casseroles, enchiladas, etc- when I need diced chicken. The carcass I put in my big stock pot to make soup stock.
Turkey Gravy
drippings from turkey (sometimes there is more sometimes less drippings, I use all the drippings)
3 c. milk
1 c. flour
meat from neck
salt and pepper to taste
Put the drippings in a large skillet, heat on med to med high heat. Whisk milk and flour. Add to hot drippings, stir constantly until thick- add salt and pepper to taste. If you cook the neck with the rest of the turkey, it has little pieces of meat on it that I brake off and stir into the gravy.
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