I made French Bread last night-- for the first time. Brian loves French Bread but I've always thought it would take all day to make it, so I've put it off for a long time. But I finally decided to try it last night, and I am so pleased with how it came out- it was delicious!
I used a recipe from allrecipes.com: French Bread
I only added 5 cups of flour and skipped the first rise, as I normally do. Just because I started it around 4pm and wanted it to be done in time for dinner.
The crust was perfect. It was a little heartier than store-bought, but it was wonderful.
With it we had Spaghetti and Broccoli
Pasta $.34
Hamburger meat $2.
Sauce (Classico Caramelized onion and roasted garlic) $1.
Bread $.50
Broccoli $1.
Meal total: $4.84
(or w/ venison: $3.68)
Your meal looks yummy! I love spaghetti and french bread!!
I love to see how much you spent on a meal too. I need to start doing that. What is your goal per meal?
I try to make every evening meal under $5- it tends to average out, some are really cheap, some are between $5 and $10. I guess we'll see as I go along, because I know I try to keep it under $5- but I've never tracked it to see how successful I am. :-)
I can't wait to see your success. My goal right now is to save money on groceries. We spend far too much!
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