Saturday, December 22, 2007

Chili Chicken Roll ups

This is the most amazing dinner I make. Everyone of of us absolutely LOVES it! The smell of fresh bread and the cream cheese and green chilies... Oh my goodness. The taste is incredible- completely lives up to the smell!

Chicken Chili Roll Ups

1 Basic Roll Recipe

1 pk cream cheese
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
1 4 oz can green chilies
a dash or two tabasco/red pepper sauce
2 c. diced chicken

Make the Basic Roll Recipe. Roll out into a large rectangle, as if making cinnamon rolls. Mix the remaining ingredients together (with a mixer is easiest, but not necessary). Spread chicken/cheese mixture onto the rectangle of dough and then roll up and cut- just like you would cinnamon rolls.
Place onto a cookie sheet, with enough rooms so the sides do not stick together.
Bake at 350˚ for 20-25 minutes.

Excellent served with salad or fresh cut veggies.


Sarah said...

Are they very spicy? Lately anything even close to spicy gives me heartburn :(

Rachel said...

No, the green chilies taste is pretty mild and you could leave out the tabasco.


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