Friday, April 30, 2010

What Stephen Thought of Our "No Refined Sweeteners" Challenge

Rules: Absolutely no refined sweeteners.

Why did you decide to do this challenge?
Because I thought it would be interesting.
What did you enjoy most about the month?
We tried new food.
What was the most surprising thing about this month?
How much things had processed sweeteners in them.
How did people react if you told them?
they didn't, they already knew are family did stuff like this.
What was the thing you disliked the most?
That people said "Just eat it. How will your mom know?!"
Did you notice any changes in yourself? (Emotions, thoughts, school work, physical?)
Yes, in school, physically (ran faster) and mentally (increased grades).
Are there any changes that we made that you want to continue?
There are only a few things I would like to change from what we did: Being able to eat treats from school and have a candy night. I liked how we were eating healthy all the time.
Was this challenge hard?
Not really.
Would you be willing to do this again? For how long? (another month, a year?) Yes for a day or two.


RPH said...

I saw your comment on my cooking blog about soaked granola. Will you e mail me, I have some questions about how you use soaked granola in pancakes and stuff.

Do you soak it and let it sprout and then dry it out again? I have been searching and reading about it. Ready to take the next step...I think.

anyway, raygon0326atyahoodotcom. I would appreciate it if you could answer a few questions for me! Thanks again!

Cara said...

I love this! How about the other two though? :)


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